Bluetooth VS Wireless Audio

Need help buying or getting your wireless speaker to work? Confused whether to buy a Bluetooth speaker or Wi-Fi Speaker? Truth is Bluetooth speakers are great because they are portable, battery operated & most are easy to pair to your smart phone. Downfall of Bluetooth speakers is that the audio is compressed & music is interrupted when your phone gets notifications.

Wi-Fi speakers are tend to be more powerful, music is uncompressed, & multiple speakers can be paired up. We can help make that buying decision easier for you.

Why Sonos Is The Best....

Sonos make a large number of products that help fill every audiophile's budget & niche. Bang for the $$$ they sound great. Sonos manufacture 2 sizes of home speaker, 1 portable speaker, 1 amplifier, 2 sound bars, 1 subwoofer, 1 port to plug into older stereo systems & a bunch of accessories.

But it's their APP that sets them apart. Easy to set up, easy to use & compatible with almost every music source out there.

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